The Average Lifetime Cost of Treating Diabetes Complications (Amputation, Blindness, Heart Failure, Kidney Issues) runs up to about ₹ 50,00,000

The best way to over come diabetes & its complications is by correcting our lifestyle, eating habits & treating diabetes from its root with proper herbal supplements...

In short, By Rejuvenating
Pancreatic Beta Cells to
Work Naturally

Don't you think your Pancreas and your body cells deserves a second chance?

It's your call, whether you just want to manage diabetes for lifetime or reverse from diabetes for one time.

Reverse Diabetes Naturally with The Goodness of Ayurveda, With NO SIDE EFFECTS!

Rejuvenate Your Pancreatic Beta Cells & Reverse Your Diabetes Naturally with Sugar Knocker

Drawing on its extensive experience in the field, Sushruth Ayurved Industries brings you the natural herbal supplement Sugar Knocker, a combination of eleven herbal extracts at its purest form that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

The all natural Sugar Knocker works along with your prescribed drugs without any side effects and will become an excellent addition to your diabetes management regimen.

Sugar Knocker not only focuses on controlling sugar level but also starts working on a root cause of diabetes. In short it gives permanent solution by removing problem from root and not temporary by controlling sugar level.

Treat the Root Cause instead of just Symptoms of Diabetes with Sugar Knocker

According to our stats, people who have used Sugar Knocker judiciously for the period of 8-12 months, have 90% less dependency on allopathy medicines and many have reversed from diabetes...

The more you wait, the more you lose!!! Let your dream of Regulating Blood Glucose Begin with an ambition and a small step

Why Sugar Knocker?

2.67 Lakhs+

Happy & Healthy Customers


Customer Satisfaction Ratio




Years of Experience

See How Sugar Knocker Transformed The Lives of People Suffering from Diabetes

Top 10 Reasons to Use Sugar Knocker

01.100% Natural Herbal Product.

02.Based on ancient ayurvedic formula.

03.Helps to regenerate beta-cells of the islets of Pancreas.

04.It helps to increase the uptake of glucose by the cells.

05.Exerts insulin-like action.

06.It helps to regenerate the lipid mechanism.

07.It helps in preventing microvascular damage.

08.Helps in preventing diabetic retinopathy.

09.It helps in preventing oxidative damage.

10.No Side Effects

Bring Excellent Results for your Diabetes Management Efforts

Let Your Dream of Diabetes Free Life
Start Today with Sugar Knocker

If you are ready to take charge of your diabetes management and start regulating blood glucose naturally, there's never been a better time to begin!

Sugar Knocker

Single Bottle

30 days supplement, 90 veg capsules

₹ 1,800/-


Sugar Knocker

Buy 2 + Get 1 FREE

90 days supplement, 270 veg capsules

₹ 3,600/-

©2023 Sushrut Ayurdved Industries.

SUGAR KNOCKER is a Trademark of Sushrut Ayurdved Industries. All Rights Reserved.